
About Blog

Yaelfromla is a Fashion and Motherhood Lifestyle Blog. Its about my deep passion for fashion, exploration of new ideas that suits an individual’s sense of style because each person has a unique interpretation of fashion and it’s not only going by the latest trends but by having confidence in projecting what really looks good on you.

About me

About me Hello, my name is Julia the fashion blogger behind the Yaelfrla. I’m a happy wife and an amazing mom of two beautiful kids and two furbabies. I am blessed with a supportive husband who does my photography and setting up my website and blog posts. We are originally from Central Asia and moved here to LA in 2011.
I love fashion from a very young age. I think the love for fashion and beauty runs in our blood. The women in my family (esp. my mom and grandma) are very fashion and beauty inclined. Up to now, I still remember my grandma’s red lipstick, her perfume and Chanel handbag. My childhood is awesome. I’ve attended ballets and operas on weekends and art classes since I was 2 y/o. I’m proud of my parents as they are great artists and my dad’s art works are in a local Art Gallery.
I started blogging because I want to inspire you with my styles, share any money-saving tips and real life experiences with products I use. If you want to connect with me. Please follow me on social media.
Love, Julia